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Automated Content Generators

Education - Automated Content Generators

Education - Automated Content Generators

Online course creators.
Improved Customer Experience
Problem addressed
Learning management systems (LMS) deliver educational courses over the web. Their use has seen a surge in uptake due to the recent shift in remote working and teaching. LMS provides administration of course materials by administrators, as well as documentation, reporting, and progress tracking for end users.
While modern LMSs enable the seamless administration of a course, the course content still needs to be developed. Creating the content for a full curriculum can be a laborious task, especially for new course leaders and teachers.
Scope of use case
Intelligently generate, curate, and recommend content educational content.
A learning experience platform (LXP) uses Machine Learning and other AI techniques to intelligently generate, curate and recommend content. Crucially they allow integration with third party content as well.
CanopyLab is a learning platform that delivers a social learning experience. In August 2021 they announced the addition of an AI Engine that can automatically build and curate online courses from content uploaded to their cloud2.
With the CanopyLab AI feature, users can automatically generate unit descriptions that detail what the course is about, its objectives, and learner outcomes. Additionally, the engine can generate exercise content and multiple choice quizzes automatically, saving course creators countless hours of time.
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Live Video
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Deep Learning
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Automate Process
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