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Defence & Military


Non-intrusive detection of malware

Non-intrusive detection of malware

General users of Internet-connected devices
Problem addressed
Use ML to flag activities induced by malware without access to personal data on
local devices.
Scope of use case
Build an AI solution that detects malware activities.
Off the shelf malware detection software has two limitations.
One is that it is limited by the security features created by
mobile device manufacturers, in particular for Android
devices. And the second is that the software is necessary to
have access to device owners' personal data like name,
phone number, international mobile equipment identity
(IMEI) or authentication credentials. As such, a non-intrusive
ML-based detection is a more sustainable and better
accepted malware detection service, which can flag out
anomalies in the local devices generic activities like battery
usage, data use, location services, camera or microphone.
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Machine Learning
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