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Personalized Learning

VTrain recommendation engine

VTrain recommendation engine

Employees, job requirements, training requirements
Improved Customer Experience
Problem addressed
Recommend a personalized list of best training courses to an employee, which
would help him/her meet his/her career objectives.
Scope of use case
Find skill requirements and relevant training based on an employees career
Continuous training is crucial for creating and maintaining
the right skill profile for an industrial organizations
workforce. There is tremendous variety in the available
training within an organization: technical, project
management, quality, leadership, domain-specific, soft-
skills, etc. Hence it is important to assist the employee in
choosing the best training that perfectly suits his/her
background, project needs and career goals. In this work, we
focus on algorithms for recommending training in an
industrial setting. We formalize the problem of the next
training recommendation, taking into account the
employees training and work history. We have developed
several new unsupervised sequence mining algorithms to
mine past training data from the organization for making the
next personalized training recommendation. Using real-life
data about training 118 587 employees over 5 019 distinct
training courses from a large multi-national IT organization,
we show that these algorithms outperform several standard
recommendation engine algorithms as well as those based
on standard sequence mining algorithms.
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