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Predict patient outcome

Medical Assistants

Predicting relapse of a dialysis patient during treatment

Predicting relapse of a dialysis patient during treatment

Dialysis nurses, dialysis patients, partner hospitals
Improved Customer Experience
Problem addressed
Use AI to predict if a patient may relapse during dialysis to reduce patient
Scope of use case
Build an AI solution to augment dialysis nurses
The private dialysis clinic was relying solely on the discretion
of trained nurses to make a call whether or not a patient can
get started for a dialysis session or is expected to be taken to
a hospital ahead of the treatment due to possible relapse.
This created inconsistencies in the patients experience and
10 % of the patients would relapse and suffer trauma in the
middle of their sessions. The deep learning model was able
to provide a more consistent call about the likelihood of
relapse, upon which the trained nurses can decide
proactively for or against starting the dialysis session.
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