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Smart Assistant

Retail - Smart Assistant

Large Companies
Small Companies

Retail - Smart Assistant

Brand strategists, customer success managers and consumers.
Improved Customer Experience
Problem addressed
It has been reported that companies who retain high brand and customer loyalty scores for sustained periods of time not only grow revenues roughly 2.5 times as fast as their industry peers but also deliver two to five times the shareholder returns over the next 10 years.
Two aspects of maintaining brand loyalty include providing exceptional 24/7 customer service and building deep relationships with customers across multiple communication channels. Achieving this requires considerable time and investment. 
Scope of use case
Building direct and meaningful connections with a brand's customer base using Conversational ArtificiaI Intelligence.
Smart Assistants, powered by Conversational AI technology, offer the possibility to provide always on, omnichannel personal assistance to customers. Smart Assistants use intent recognition, to first understand a user query, posed by voice or text, and then various other aspects of natural language processing technology (depending on the complexity assistant) to manage dialogue state and respond with an appropriate answer.
German multinational chemical and consumer goods company Henkel utilized Cognigy’s Conversational AI platform to build a Smart Assistant that could answer customer queries about stains. The assistant is able to reliably identify 2,500 substance, fabric and surface combinations and suggest a solution. The solution is available across multiple channels and as well as helping customers, provides them with a positive brand experience that has boosted Henkel‘s brand loyalty and allowed them direct, meaningful connections with their customer base.
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Raw Data
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Knowledge representation
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Automate Process
Retrieve Information
Text chatbot
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