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Human Resources

Attract New talent

Attracting New Talent

Attracting New Talent

HR Professionals, Talent Acquisition Staff
Improved Employee Efficiency
Problem addressed
Almost all industries are plagued with issues revolving around employment, particularly high turnover rates and the corresponding expenses of finding and hiring new workers on a constant basis. A business organization must have efficient recruiting. 
However, the surveys claim that tasks like waiting for clearances, preliminary candidate screenings, and protracted decision-making processes slow down hiring. The majority of white-collar roles have seen an increase in time to hire over the past ten years, despite new recruiting methods.
Hence, there is a great need for an effective solution to help HR professionals meet their recruitment and retention goals and speed up the whole process. One possible solution is introducing AI into recruitment functions.
An organization's capacity to discover the right talent at the right time is considerably improved by using AI. AI-powered technologies that are directly linked with the Application Tracking System (ATS) bring a level of talent intelligence to the hiring process by automatically screening thousands of resumes and reducing time-consuming manual processes.
The potential of AI to use data to standardize the matching between candidates' experience, knowledge, and abilities and the requirements of the job holds the promise of enhancing the quality of hire. 
Businesses utilizing AI-powered recruiting tools have witnessed a 75% decrease in cost per screen, an increase in revenue per employee of 4%, and a 35% decrease in employee turnover. 
The AI-driven tools designed for recruitment also capture data regarding employee satisfaction throughout the hiring and firing process. HR departments can analyze this data over time to estimate and plan for future improvements or maintenance of employee engagement levels to have a better understanding of how internal and external events affect employee engagement levels.
AI recruiting streamlines and automates most of the parts of the recruiting workflow, especially repetitive, high-volume tasks. Accelerating these hiring processes through automation cuts down on hiring time, lowering the risk of losing the best candidates to rival companies who move more quickly.
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Machine Learning
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