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Contract Management

AI contract management

AI contract management

Procurement department, legal department
Problem addressed
Creating 0 solution that is able to standardize the contract management process,
improve the quality of work on problematic contracts and claims, and optimize
lawyers working process and relieve them from routine tasks.
Scope of use case
Building an AI contract management solution for automating business processes
related to documents: data classification, automatic data extraction and contract
Its a platform for automatic reading and analysis of legal
documents, and extraction of data with an astonishingly high
level of accuracy.
Based on the extracted data automatic contract monitoring
and execution can be performed.
The following features of AI contract management can be
structured digital documents archive;
hierarchical chain and connections of all documents in
relation to the primary document, whether it is a
contract, order or anything else;
monitoring and control of key contract terms;
creation of all necessary documents: notifications,
claims, etc;
auto filling the required ERP systems with relevant data.
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