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Cost Analysis

Procurement - Cost Analysis

Procurement - Cost Analysis

VP Global Supply Chain Management, Category Managers
Reduce costs, Improved Employee Efficiency
Problem addressed
Organizations are constantly looking to optimize costs to impact their bottom line. By analyzing spend, companies can identify savings opportunities, streamline operations, manage risks and improve supplier performance.
One of the biggest reasons spend analysis projects fail in large organizations is due to the complexity of classifying large dollar amounts of spend. The often incomplete and diverse sets of data associated with spend makes it labor intensive to classify correctly.
Scope of use case
Realizing operational efficiencies and working capital improvements through automated spend classification.
Machine learning algorithms for classification of data are commonplace. Applying these algorithms trained on large amounts of historical spend data can alleviate the large amount of resources required to carry out spend classification by automating the process.
Pentair, a global leader in water, fluid, thermal management and equipment protection used Sievo, a machine learning enabled procurement analytics platform, to achieve over 90% accuracy in spend classification2. Overall, they were able to reduce the cycle time spent on spend analysis by category managers from weeks to minutes and realize $15m of working capital improvements through improved negotiations of payment terms using the tool.
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Machine Learning
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Automate Process
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