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AI-powered wearables

Patient Assistance

Facilitating language learning of deaf people

Facilitating language learning of deaf people

Improved Customer Experience
Problem addressed
An avatar and social robot interact with deaf babies for facilitating language
Scope of use case
Use of advanced and multimodal sensing ability to facilitate a complex task.
The RAVE system is designed as a dual agent that uses a
physical robot and a virtual human to engage 6 m to 12 m old
deaf infants in linguistic interactions. The system was
bolstered by a perception system capable of estimating
infant attention and engagement through thermal imaging
and eye tracking. RAVE has been designed for and
experienced by a unique population (deaf infants) during a
three years of observation and the development of three case
This system has been successful at soliciting infant attention,
directing attention to the linguistic content, and keeping the
infant engaged for developmentally appropriate lengths of
time. Instances have also been observed of infants copying
robot behaviour, infants producing signs displayed by the
avatar, and infants producing signs that they had observed
the virtual human perform to the non-signing robot agent.
These initial experiences give hope that longer-term
exposure to a system based on this work may be able to
impact long-term learning in this unique population.
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pattern recognition
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