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AI-powered wearables

Patient Assistance

AI based text to speech services with personal voices for people with speech impairments

AI based text to speech services with personal voices for people with speech impairments

People with speech impairments
Improved Customer Experience
Problem addressed
People with speech impairments would be fully integrated into social processes without communication restrictions.
Scope of use case
All people who have some sort of speech impairment including but not limited to three basic types: articulation disorders, fluency disorders, and voice disorders.
Communication with other people can be difficult for those
who have speech disorders. This seriously complicates
communication during domestic processes and the
involvement of a person in society.
A personal wearable device is capable of online synthesizing
voice over text or correcting distorted speech. The voice can
be fully synthesized with individually selected tone, timbre
and pronunciation style settings. Moreover, the voice can be
a copy of the voice of the owner.
The device itself can be implemented as a bracelet or a
special medical device. Implementation as software for a
smartphone, laptop, etc. is also possible.
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Sensor Network - IOT
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