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Image analysis

Medical Assistants

AI solution for end-to-end processing of cell microscopy images

AI solution for end-to-end processing of cell microscopy images

Biochemical, metabolomics and imaging branches of biomedicine
Improved Product Development / R&D
Problem addressed
Create a method for automatic analysis and clustering of cell microscopy images,
including microscopy of multilayer 3D objects, and implement the developed
method for processing of 2D/3D images of cultured human cell models and
clustering based on protein modification patterns
Scope of use case
Restoration of naturally distorted microscopy images for following visualization and analysis of meaningful patterns of protein formation inside living cells.
Patterns of protein modification inside cells play an
important role in the regulation of gene expression. In this
work we aim to develop a method allowing for a detailed
analysis of the meaningful protein formation inside living
cells with visualization and the processing of microscopy cell
images. However, the observed microscopy images suffer
from visible artefacts related to blurriness and noise. One of
the main modern approaches to the processing of
microscopic images of cell cultures is computer vision using
deep learning methods and artificial intelligence (AI). In this
work, we aim to implement AI methods throughout the
pipeline of microscopy cell images restoration and analysis.
The proposed scheme involves the implementation of deep
learning methods for image restoration, segmentation, and
time and space localization of cells. Thereafter, we plan to
implement AI approaches for the extraction of meaningful
patterns of protein modifications inside cells and use this
information for effective cell clustering. Our experiments are
on 2D images as well as multilayer 3D objects. To the best of
the authors knowledge, this is the first work to apply AI for
living cells featuring extraction and clustering.
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Machine Learning
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