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Treatment recommendation

Medical Assistants

Improving the knowledge base of prescriptions for drug and non-drug therapy and its use as a tool in support of medical professionals

Support system for optimization and personalization of drug therapy
Public and private healthcare system, pharmaceutical companies
This system is a full range of integrated solutions for the selection of the optimal type of drug, its dose, and its combination with other drugs.
AI solution to predict post-operative visual acuity for LASIK surgeries
Hospitals, patients undergoing LASIK surgeries.
Predicting post-operative visual acuity for laser-assisted in SItu keratomileusis (LASIK) surgeries from retrospective LASIK surgery data with patient follow- ups.
Automate a Business Process
Improving the knowledge base of prescriptions for drug and non-drug therapy and its use as a tool in support of medical professionals
Doctors and patients
Providing the medical professional with methods and means that would allow, within the time allotted for the appointment of 0 patient with a known nosology, to make a high-quality choice of drugs and to formulate a prescription corresponding to good medical practices
Improved Employee Efficiency
AI-based mapping of optical to multi-electrode catheter recordings for atrial fibrillation treatment
Hospitals, cardiologists
Predicting possible targets for atrial fibrillation ablation based on explanted human heart data of two modalities (multi-electrode mapping and near-infrared optical imaging)
Improved Product Development / R&D
WebioMed clinical decision support system
End-users (physician, nurse, laboratory technologist, pharmacist, patient) Sales and marketing team CDSS product development and maintenance team (system administrator, system developer, system architect, project manager, and system maintenance)
Screening for cardiovascular disease risk prediction with machine and deep learning methods
Integrated recommendation solution for prosthodontic treatments
Dentist Hospital
In order to support complicated prosthetic treatments according to the patient's condition, the artificial intelligence technology provides a comprehensive analysis of the given information and situations to recommend various prosthetic treatment methods and visualize them to support doctors and patients.
Improved Employee Efficiency

Improving the knowledge base of prescriptions for drug and non-drug therapy and its use as a tool in support of medical professionals

Doctors and patients
Improved Employee Efficiency
Problem addressed
Helping a medical professional consider the influence of a selected drug therapy,
as well as monitor the patients vital characteristics to reduce the risk of wrong
prescriptions and to prevent negative consequences from the prescribed drugs.
Scope of use case
Providing the medical professional with methods and means that would allow,
within the time allotted for the appointment of 0 patient with a known nosology,
to make a high-quality choice of drugs and to formulate a prescription
corresponding to good medical practices
The complexity of choosing an optimal drug therapy can be
illustrated by the example of a great number of possible
combinations that arise when considering a nosology such as
arterial hypertension (hypertension and hypertensive
diseases, international classification of diseases (ICD-10)
version 2016: I10-I15) ... The basic factors initially
influencing the choice of therapy for hypertension = 6
(gender male and female, as well as 3 gradations of age). The
next step is to establish a correspondence between the vital
characteristics (VC) of the patient and the specific features of
the use of a drug. An informational portrait of a patient can
be compiled using trivial and composite VC (currently, more
than 500 already exist). Considering the individual
characteristics of the patient (comorbidity, data from
laboratory and instrumental methods of research, genetic
factors, eating habits, etc.), the number of VCs can be
increased by orders of magnitude. Associated hypertension
of nosology and conditions that have a specific section in the
existing CR = 17. CR in the framework of concomitant
nosology more than 15 (it is impossible to say for sure,
because the lack of specificity by sections of the CR makes it
impossible to determine the total number of CR). Pharm
group (FG) of drugs = 25 (8 groups of antihypertensive drugs
+ 17 groups of other drugs, for example, used in the
treatment of concomitant nosology that increase blood
pressure. Active substances (AS) = 72 (36 antihypertensive
+ 15 other used in the treatment of concomitant nosology, for
example, antidiabetic or AS, which increase the blood
pressure + 21 antihypertensive and others, whose names are
not in the CR, but are included in the FG mentioned in the
CR). Fixed combinations considering different dosages = 45.
And the number of instructions for medical usage of drugs
(IMU), information from which is necessary to be considered
= 218. In total, for everyone considered nosology there are
thousands of pages of text and tens of thousands of
parameters to one degree or another, directly or indirectly
connected, and sometimes even in contradiction. A single
mistake poses a negative outcome.
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