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User Behaviour Analysis

Logo and trademark detection

Logo and trademark detection

Problem addressed
Understand usage of retail or fashion products and, optionally, sentiment associated with it based on pictures posted on the internet or social networks by customers
Scope of use case
Identification of logos / trademarks in pictures, optionally performing sentiment
analysis associated with the product
In order to provide business and marketing with a better
understanding of how/in what context products are used, AI
can be leveraged to help determine customer segments,
anticipate changes in brand perception and customer
preferences and help generate ideas for designers.
The use case involves several steps:
Confirm scope (including countries, targets,
logos/trademarks) and business metrics
Select and gather a suitable data set for training and testing
the visual recognition algorithm.
Optionally determine the rules that identify a proper context
to be analysed with NLP techniques, to understand the
sentiment associated with the logo/trademark contained in
the picture when posted online. Pictures can be crawled from
social networks, forums, and other websites, from which
textual context (comments, etc) is obtained as well.
Deploy to production and manage the lifecycle of AI, while
providing business with the outcomes of the AI analysis.
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