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Assisted Diagnosis & Prescription

Medical Assistants

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

Healthcare industry, cloud-based AI providers, healthcare public policy makers, parents of young children, insurance industry
Problem addressed
Lowering the statistical chance of infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Scope of use case
Use of facial recognition in healthcare.
Statistical analysis has shown that the chance of infants
dying from infant death syndrome (SIDS) is lower when the
infants lie on their back, as opposed to faced down.
A cost-effective solution can be built for an infant monitoring
and alert system using a webcam connected over the
Internet to a customized facial recognition technology
implemented as a cloud service.
The cloud service analyses the periodic snapshots taken of
the infant and uploaded to the cloud service. Once the ML-
based facial recognition software in the cloud service
analyses the snapshot of the infant and determines that the
infant is no longer lying on his/her back, the service alerts
the parents or care takers to attend to the infant by sending
them an SMS text message or making an automated phone
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